A church for today

The construction

Let’s get up and start building!

Since November 2020, the association Les Amis de la Communauté Francophone has committed to support the construction of the Communauté Shalom's very first church! Participating in such a project is a privilege that doesn't befall on everyone.

Concretely, Cap sur Bonaberi consists in building a two-story building, hosting a large worship hall with a mezzanine and a baptistery, two modular meeting rooms for Sunday school, seminars and activities carried out by the various departments, an office, a community kitchen and two apartments for visitors.

The modern and multifunctional building will serve as a place of worship for the congregation, an activity center for the youth, a space for spiritual edification and training, and as a pole of social action and community development.

2ACF has already purchased the land with its own funds and carried out the studies, plans and administrative procedures necessary to undertake construction work.

Through this website, we launch a fundraising campaign at the national and international level.

Beyond finances, the project Cap sur Bonaberi needs contributions in prayer, time, skills, building materials, etc. Regular reports will be sent out to all contributors desiring to keep abreast of the state of construction.

To build with us or if you have any question, please fill out our Contact form.

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Tel : (+237) 656-24-73-59 / (+237) 681-92-51-12 - Email : 2acf.cmr@gmail.com