A church for the
whole family

The church

"…where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty"
2 Corinthiens 3:17 

The Communauté Shalom (CFS) is a Christian assembly in Cameroon with an evangelical and apostolic vocation existing since 2012. Affiliated to the Congrégation Baptiste Camerounaise (Decree n°74/34/ of 19/01/1974), this young church of about a hundred members has campuses in Akwa and Bonapriso in the city of Douala.

The core missions of the CFS are developing the family, a divine institution, in all its entities and fostering Christian commitment in society. It therefore works to raise faithful disciples of Jesus and mature citizens, who are happy, honest and useful. To make a positive difference in the communities where it is established, without discrimination, the church relies on spreading the Gospel, permanent programs, special activities, social projects and charitable works.

Our Sunday services are broadcast on our Facebook page.

A step of faith

After nine years downtown, Shalom envisions to settle in Bonaberi, a neighbourhood with booming population and economy, by building a place of worship and activities both modern and multifunctional.

In its search for partners for this major endeavor, the CFS approached 2ACF in November 2020 in order to benefit from personalized support.

A fundraising campaign was launched to solicit the local and international Christian community, as well as all goodwill donors.

This website is dedicated to this project called Cap sur Bonaberi. To build with us or if you have a question, contact us.

“And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves”

Matthew 21:13

Tel : (+237) 656-24-73-59 / (+237) 681-92-51-12 - Email : 2acf.cmr@gmail.com